Best Practice - general rules to follow

Command line API:

  • Look at the help page for the command before use

  • Always look at the output to learn what happened

  • Always check your command before you execute a command that changes the state of the storage such as delete and update

  • Keep your authentication credential secure

Python API:

  • Use Python PEP-8 for code style guide

  • Use logging to record what has been done for later reference

  • Be cautious with code that updates the state of the object storage

  • Backup sensitive data

  • Keep your authentication credential secure

Object Storage:

  • Use Object Storage for static files, as opposed to files that are frequently updated

  • Have a basic organization structure and separate your content into different containers based on object type (for example): images, videos, etc. This structure enables quick location of objects when you need them.

  • Use multiple containers if you have a large number of objects.

  • Always give your container a meaningful name for easy use.

  • If you have large number of files, it is recommend to keep a local copy of the container structure and listing so that you are not waiting on the container to list all the objects. This can be done by using a database.

  • Keep track of object count and usage and this should improve performance when you need to frequently update the object storage.

  • Provide a virtual path for objects and this allows for better subdivision of slow growth closely-grouped data. This also overcomes the problem as Objects do not nest, and all objects in a single container are subject to the same limitations.